If you’re a premium WordPress shop or just running your own business, where do you set the bar?
My next guest has a relentless pursuit to create something awesome that his users will love.
But hey, that’s easy when you’re total revenue from a premium plugin exceeds $1 million in sales right?
Not so much.
Meet Dale Mugford co-founder of BraveNewCode the developers behind the WPtouch mobile plugin. We chat about launching the company, supporting customers and introducing the new pricing structure of version 3.x.
This is going to be a fun ride so I hope you’re strapped in!
Interview with Dale Mugford of BraveNewCode
Listen to the audio version
The relentless pursuit of perfection
You might be familiar with that phrase from the Lexus brand.
When I listen to Dale’s story and hear the devotion he has to his product — that’s the first jingle that comes to my mind. Next would be an almost Apple-esque approach to finer details and packaging.
This is very apparent when you visit their newly designed website and watch their brand video. They are telling a story about the product and what it solves without focusing on WordPress — amazing.
If you’re going to be in the premium WordPress market, I’d say BraveNewCode sets the bar for brand experience.
Looking for feedback
As I approach 50 published episodes, I want to hear from you.
Do you like the direction of the podcast? Are you looking for something more?
Let me know in the comments or contact me. I’d love if you joined the VIP mailing list or shared this post with your Twitter peeps!